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Host Not Found" comes up when "www." not put before my site's URL
Posted By r____b
5/1/2009 16:01
Honestly I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing and am surprised I've been able to do what I have so far. Now I'm having the problem that if I don't put "www." before my site's URL I get to a page that says:

"Host Not Found

The host you entered could not be found."

How do I make it so that people can either type my site's URL with or without the "www." and still end up there? I accidentally deleted a file called logo.gif; does this have anything to do with my problems? If so how can I re-upload it?


[This post has been edited by r____b on May 2, 2009 3:01am.]
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Posted By r____b
5/2/2009 02:53

[This post has been edited by r____b on May 2, 2009 2:54am.]
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5/5/2009 20:45
Nothing related with your logo.gif files, this can be a servers issue or due to your .htaccess files, if you don't have any files with name .htaccess you should contact your hosting providers.


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