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Email account option !
Hi ! It will be fantastic if dynadot offer email accounts as option (or as a full offer beside domains and hosting). Some of us will need sometimes : 1- to buy a domain name (ok for this job, dynadot is really great !) 2- need to have an email account (using POP3 or IMAP including anti-virus and anti-spam solution) from 50 to 2500 Mo. 3- maybe will need many accounts ! So i propose to dynadot t oelaborate an email accounts offer as option with domains or directly an email offer ! I hope you'll do taht one day !
teamdynadot replied m_c_azazga_dz
We will consider it. Currently, you would need hosting with us to have domain email. Our email already has spam filtering and pop3/smtp access, but we do not IMAP access. The largest hosting package we offer is 300MB which includes email storage. And you can create unlimited email accounts. Dynadot Staff
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j_r_windsor_ca replied m_c_azazga_dz
I've be hoping for either domain email or at least email forwarding of some sort, either would be fantastic.
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teamdynadot replied m_c_azazga_dz
We do provide email forwarding for domains which use our domain forwarding or stealth forwarding. Unfortunately, providing domain email or email forwarding for domains which use another web host's name servers cannot be done. This is because your domain's name servers also receive and direct email requests along with web requests for your domain. If you decide to use someone else's name servers, we will not be able to set your email settings so, you will have to ask the maintainer of your name servers to set the email forwarding for you.
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