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4-Day Auctions - 4-Letter .COM Names
[url=http://4D-A.COM]4-Day Auctions - 4-Letter .COM Names[/url] One way to determine the value of the last 4-letter .COM names is to auction them. There are also a few 4-letter .COM names dropping each week, that could be recycled. The 4-Day Auctions could start on Sunday and then run into the week. If the names do not sell, they could be tossed back by Friday or Saturday for the next week's cycle. If eBay is used as the auction house, there is a way to pull the DynaDot auctions out via AuctionAds. A unique keyword like "4-letter" or "DynaDot" can be used. [url=] eBay Auction Ads[/url] See to find SOME of the 4-letter .COM names. [url][/url] Not all available 4-letter .COM names are shown. A Forum could be created here to provide summaries, updates, and on-going links, etc. There are about 12,000 4-letter .COM names left. That is down from 14,000 a couple weeks ago. By the end of 2007 they will all likely be sold. The last TWO non-numeric variations based on 3-letter english words have recently been sold. In other words, if you take all 3-letter english words and attach all possible letters, all of those 4-letter combinations are sold. UGH and JUT were the last to sell. [This post has been edited by ave4_com on Sep 16, 2007 8:00am.]